Music & Video

About my online music:
The music of RadianceMatrix is on all the major streaming sites like Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music under the artist name:
To purchase or download the music, go to Bandcamp
Please enjoy ~ and include in your play lists!

CD Clearance Special
Radiance Mixes
Featuring the voice of Deva Premal
with Paul Temple’s Tibetan Bowls

Pick up a CD copy of RADIANCE MIXES and drift into bliss. This deeply meditative music transports one to an inner dimension of stillness, timelessness, and beingness.
$15 for a shipped, hard copy CD.
To purchase a CD please send an email to:

What People are Saying About
“From the convergence of two great sonic forces — the voice of Deva Premal and the sound of Tibetan healing bowls — arises this album of great beauty and mystery.”
~ An Apple Music Customer
When Paul plays his Tibetan bowls a sense of peace and euphoria permeates the entire room. It is impossible not to feel uplifted by his subtle yet powerful art form.”
~ Tina Malia
~ Lisa N
“5.0 out of 5 stars. Tibetan Bowls + Deva Premal’s Mantras = Bliss!”
~ A Spotify Customer
“This put-you-in-the-present-moment music is, in a word, divine. The pure, peaceful tones of RadianceMatrix’s Tibetan bowls will stop you in your tracks—you can feel the waves of sound wash over you and through you while you’re relaxing, driving, doing yoga, or meditating. And yoga music superstar Deva Premal’s prayerful mantras will soothe your soul … some of the mantras are easy to learn, so I found myself singing along!”
~ An Amazon Customer
Plant Medicine Journey
Musica Medicina ~ Volumes 1 & 2
The deep, expansive music on these albums was specially composed for plant medicine journeys. Several pieces are based in the ancient Icaros (sacred songs) of the Peruvian Ayahuasca tradition. Others are drawn from experiences of pure luminous presence and multi—dimensional geometrics. Two pieces are in the mystical tonality of 432 Hz. The gentle, healing music can open dimensional portals and carry one into fields of immense beauty and awakened realization.
It is said that the spirits of psychoactive plant medicines are working to help heal and awaken humanity from the trauma and negative programming of our collective culture and ancestral lineages. They want us to realize our evolutionary potential as souls of light walking upon the Earth. The vibrational magic of these powerful spirit beings is embodied in the music of these recordings.
To stream Plant Medicine Journey ~ Vol. 1 ~ go to Spotify
To purchase Plant Medicine Journey ~ Vol. 1 ~ go to BandCamp
To stream Plant Medicine Journey ~ Vol. 2 ~ go to Spotify
To purchase Plant Medicine Journey ~ Vol. 2 ~ go to BandCamp

Slow Lucious Music by
Paul Temple’s RadianceMatrix
This is music for deep dreaming, deep listening and mystic journeying. It wanders into ambient zones and free-floating states to help you relax, sleep, drift away. The eleven rainbow-flavor tracks range from dreamy Debussy to celestial Bach, to mystical space music, to hypnotic Indian ragas. While DREAMING is not Rock n’ Roll, it is Peace n’ Stillness music, intended to sooth the beleaguered soul and help us remember the vast beauty that we really are.
I’d like to thank Cynthia Marsh for the amazing cover art. You can see more of her work at Cynthia’s Facebook Page
DREAMING album – free track special. Go to this BandCamp page
To purchase or download the full album, go to this BandCamp page
DREAMING is also on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and other streaming sites under “Paul Temple’s RadianceMatrix.” It would be great to add this to your playlists. Some of my earlier albums, including “Radiance Mixes” with the amazing voice of Deva Premal, are listed on the streaming sites under “RadianceMatrix.”
Track List – Dreaming
1. Afternoon of a Faun (Debussy)
2. Cedar Dreams
3. Cloud Dreaming
4. Diadem Dreams (Bach)
5. Dream Song
6. DreamWeavers
7. Ocean of Peace
8. Om Shanti Shanti
9. Raga Bhairon
10 Syrinx (Debussy)
11. Weightless

Sound Temple
by Paul Temple’s RadianceMatrix
The Sound Temple album is a sonic sanctuary of refuge and renewal, a sacred space where we bathe our energy bodies in the pure vibration of Tibetan Bowls and mantras. It is a place to remember our luminous essence and connection with quantum consciousness.
Herein one can find the ancient transmission of the Vajra – or Pure Diamond Light – which is conveyed through the vibrational field of Tibetan bowls, together with Paul’s Vajrayana throat chanting.
For those who have experienced the power of Paul’s music live, this album contains the Vajrayana throat chanting and Tibetan bowls that are the centerpiece of his concerts. Finally offered as a recording, the same mystical energies come through the album’s music as in his live transmissions.
The album also offers Paul’s chakra chanting and Loka Samasta / Shanti mantras used at the end of each concert to dedicate the merit to the benefit of all beings.
For a free download of the extended version of “Vajra Sattva Mantra” go to BandCamp
Stream the Sound Temple album at Spotify
Purchase full Sound Temple album at BandCamp
- Sonic Architecture
- Calling the Vajra Guru
- Vajra Sattva Mantra
- Diamond Light Meditation
- Dedication of Merit
- Neuron Reformation
- Chakra Song
- Loka Shanti

Healing Radiance
by Paul Temple’s RadianceMatrix
This album is just the pure, healing sound of Tibetan Bowls in eight meditative pieces that journey into the realms of deep peace and stillness. The bowls create a sacred vibrational space that helps still the mind so we can connect with the unified quantum awareness. Welcome Home!
Track List
- Path to Peace
- Melting into Bliss
- Relaxation Meditation
- Sound of Silence
- Sacred Space
- Healing Vibration
- Lucent Awareness
- Primordial Sound
Stream the Healing Radiance album at Spotify
Available for purchase at BandCamp

Stream Radiance Mixes at Spotify
Purchase Radiance Mixes at Amazon Music
To order a CD directly from Paul, email

First Album
Deep Peace Experience
DEEP PEACE EXPERIENCE was released by RadianceMatrix in 2014. The music was composed and recorded by Paul Temple, who has been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism and other spiritual wisdoms for many years. The album is available by digital download on iTunes, CD Baby and Amazon, as well as on CD (links below).
A primordial soundscape that ventures through the pure mystical realm of Tibetan healing bowls, the music is deeply meditative and ambient. The gentle binaural pulses balance activity in the brain hemispheres. The recordings are ideal for use in healing, massage, and meditation sessions.
On one level you can listen to the beautiful, dreamy music as music — or you can close your eyes, let the energy waves wash over you and let the binaural resonance take you into a deep Alpha—then Theta—level meditation. It is a sonic journey for deep dreaming — a tonal painting in 3D audio color that allows you to enter another time dimension: life in slow-motion.
The music includes overtone chanting, Tibetan throat singing, Sanskrit mantras and Native American flute — all as flourishes to the awesome power of the bowls.
What People Are Saying About
Deep Peace Experience
“Paul has really made a sacred album. It creates just what the title implies: Deep Peace. More than music, it’s a healing tool.”
~ Lee Carroll – Channel for KRYON
“Paul Temple has done a remarkable job creating “Deep Peace Experience.” With wonderful performances, excellent compositions and great fidelity, I highly recommend this recording for anyone who would like to experience the Deep Peace this album has to offer.”
~ Jonathan Goldman
“Just got in my car after a grueling day and your CD started playing. So thankful for your calming music right now.”
~ Rachel P

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