Vibrational Clearing
Energy Healing

Vibrational Clearing & Energy Healing
Private Sessions for Individuals & Groups
With Paul Temple & Tibetan Healing Bowls
Reawaken, Rejuvenate and Realign
Your Body ∞ Mind ∞ Spirit
With Paul Temple’s Heart-Centered Sound Healing
Paul offers private sound sessions for people to clear their energy field, connect with their heart light and tune into higher awareness using his gifts in Nada Yoga: the ancient power of sound and vibration. The sessions are a time to drop into a safe, deep meditative state, connect with soul – or Akashic – memory and release old patterns of energetic and emotional stagnation. The intention is to clear the chakras and reweave the rainbow body to strengthen energy flows and circuits.

Paul offers private sound sessions for people to clear their energy field, connect with their heart light and tune into higher awareness using his gifts in Nada Yoga: the ancient power of sound and vibration. The sessions are a time to drop into a safe, deep meditative state, connect with soul – Akashic – memory and release old patterns of energetic and emotional stagnation. The intention is to clear the chakras and reweave the rainbow body to strengthen energy flows and circuits.
The sessions can be beneficial for clearing fear, trauma, shock, grief and stagnation from the energy body. Paul’s work is a beneficial complement to professional psychotherapy – but not a substitute for it. The work can deeply calm the nervous system and help one return to a state of peace, integration and wholeness. Drawing on spiritual technologies from the Himalayas we help awaken your ancient memory – your soul memory – your Akashic memory.
Paul is a respected session facilitator, known for bringing people into sacred space, inner awareness and mystical experiences. He has guided many meditations, healing sessions and medicine journeys and been involved in many spiritual, metaphysical and shamanic traditions.
While live sessions in Boulder, CO are preferable, remote sessions on Zoom are possible. Some clients have found it beneficial to have a series of sessions.
To schedule an appointment, email:

To schedule an appointment, email:

What People are Saying About
Paul Temple’s
Vibrational Clearing
Energy Healing
After the Session with Paul
I was more grounded in my body and
felt more energetically ‘put together’ than ever.
~ Ann
“I have had several private sessions with Paul. The difference from before to after astounded me every time. The work calmed and re-balanced my nervous system after a car accident that overwhelmed my life. Each time it felt like a weight had been lifted. My energy body felt cleared and smoothed as I was bathed in the vibrations. I felt healed and revitalized.”
~ Kerry
“A wonderful session letting go of old karmic patterns and emotional baggage, releasing what I need to live in alignment with my true values. A new reset and deep inner transformation. Thank you, Paul.
~ Tracy
To schedule an appointment, email:
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